Thursday, July 2, 2009

Music of Life

Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

My first blog entry! The inspiration to start this blog springs from my realizing that I am reading, posting and commenting all over the internet lately. Clearly, I realized, I need to let my creative side have a chance to get out once in a while. I am starting a slew of reading and writing classes in September. These are credit free courses. I am not trying to get a new job, elevate to the next job nor fulfill any ongoing continuing education requirements. This blog will give me a chance to get some practice, exercise my voice and hopefully learn to write something someone will want to read!

Michael Jackson died last Thursday. As if anyone needed informing, this sad news has been all over the media for a week now. Off the Wall was released when I was eleven. My parents had control over the house radio so I didn't get to hear it much. Later in 1981 when Thriller came out my sisters and I had our own stereo in our room and were able to listen. I recall thinking Michael Jackson was the best musician ever in the world!

I remember listening and singing the songs with neighborhood friends and the fun we had for hours. Kids didn't have easy access to funds where I grew up, getting a new album or cassette was a big deal. It was fantastic when blank tapes for recording became readily available so friends could get together and trade music more economically. Of course this same function with today's technology is done en mass, no trouble at all. I embrace the internet that provides me with a blog where I may express my thoughts and any nonsense I like, but where is the social connection trading music in the blink of any eye?

As my twenties and thirties passed by Michael's music wasn't always on my CD player nor did I hear him on the radio nearly as much. His legal troubles the last several years gave me pause even though I had that wacko vibe about Jackson I didn't want to think the allegations were true. I found it hard to believe that someone with such a musical genius would be a child molester but I also feared his apparent decision to remain a child in many ways may have strangely corrupted him. While the media and others clamor that Michael was surrounded by hangers-on it also seems apparent he distanced himself from those that might have influenced him in his personal life quite on purpose. Drugs clearly played a devastating role in his life and whatever Jackson said regarding his not doing "street" drugs, any kind of dependency will change you. Drugs are drugs.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you've started blogging. It's funny that you posted about MJ a while back. I posted about my history with his music earlier this year:

    I look forward to reading more of your blogs soon.
